Rowing Machine vs Treadmill

Rowing Machine vs Treadmill: Choosing the Ideal Equipment

In the quest for improved cardiovascular health and overall fitness, individuals often find themselves faced with the dilemma of choosing between a rowing machine and a treadmill. Both of these exercise machines offer unique benefits and cater to different fitness goals. Understanding the key differences and advantages of rowing machine vs treadmill is crucial in making an informed decision about which equipment suits your needs best. This article delves into the comparison of rowing machines and treadmills, highlighting their features, benefits, and potential impact on weight loss, muscle gain, and overall well-being.

Comparison Chart: Rowing Machine vs Treadmill

Features Rowing Machine Treadmill
Impact on Joints Low impact, reduces strain on joints and muscles Moderate to high impact, more strain on joints
Cardiovascular Benefits Provides a full-body workout, engaging major muscle groups Primarily focuses on lower body cardio
Calorie Burning Potential High calorie burn (approx. 600-800 calories per hour) Moderate to high calorie burn (approx. 500-700 calories per hour)
Muscle Building and Strength Engages muscles across the body, promoting strength and endurance Primarily targets lower body muscles
Weight Loss Effective for weight loss due to full-body engagement and high-calorie burn Supports weight loss through consistent cardio workouts
Impact on Belly Fat Aids in reducing belly fat through overall calorie expenditure and toning of core muscles Can contribute to belly fat reduction when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise
Incline Feature Some rowing machines offer adjustable incline settings for additional challenge Treadmills often feature adjustable inclines to simulate varied terrain and intensify workouts
Versatility Suitable for all fitness levels and provides an opportunity for low-impact workouts Offers versatility with various speed and incline settings, accommodating different workout preferences
Overall Joint Health Promotes joint mobility and strengthens muscles around joints Moderate impact on joint health, requires proper form and gradual progression
Convenience and Space Compact and can be easily stored; suitable for small spaces Requires more space due to larger footprint

The chart provides a general overview of the key aspects and differences between rowing machines and treadmills. Individual experiences may vary depending on factors such as fitness level, technique, and personal preference.

In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into each aspect, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of both the rowing machine vs treadmill. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which machine aligns with your fitness goals, lifestyle, and physical capabilities.

What is a Rowing Machine

When it comes to cardiovascular workouts, the rowing machine has gained significant popularity in recent years. With its ability to provide a full-body workout and low-impact nature, the rowing machine offers a unique exercise experience that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of using a rowing machine, helping you make an informed decision about incorporating it into your fitness routine.


  • Full-Body Workout: Rowing engages major muscle groups, including the legs, arms, back, and core, offering a comprehensive workout that promotes overall strength and endurance.
  • Low-Impact Exercise: The fluid motion of rowing minimizes stress on joints, making it suitable for individuals with joint concerns or those seeking a gentle exercise option.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits: Rowing is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, improving heart and lung function while enhancing overall endurance and stamina.
  • Calorie Burn: Rowing machines are known for their high-calorie burn. A vigorous rowing session can help you burn a significant amount of calories, making it an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance.
  • Muscle Toning: The pulling and pushing motions involved in rowing help tone and strengthen muscles, particularly in the arms, back, and core.
  • Versatility: Rowing machines often come with adjustable resistance levels, allowing users to tailor their workouts to their fitness level and goals.
  • Compact and Space-Efficient: Many rowing machines are designed to be compact and easily foldable, making them suitable for home gyms or limited space.


  • Technique and Form: Proper rowing technique is crucial to maximize the benefits and prevent injuries. It may take some time and practice to master the correct form.
  • Initial Learning Curve: For individuals new to rowing, it might take some time to become comfortable with the motion and coordination required.
  • Limited Variety: While rowing offers a full-body workout, the range of exercises and movements is more limited compared to other fitness equipment like weight machines or free weights.
  • Potential Discomfort: Some users may find the seat of the rowing machine uncomfortable, particularly during longer workout sessions. Adding a cushion or padding can help alleviate any discomfort.

Our Top Picks For Best Rowing Machines on Amazon


Product Name

Purchase Now

YOSUDA Magnetic/Water Rowing Machine

Sunny Health & Fitness Smart Magnetic Rowing Machine

DMASUN Magnetic Rower

What is a Treadmill

When it comes to indoor exercise equipment, treadmills have long been a popular choice. With their ability to simulate walking, jogging, or running, treadmills provide a convenient and controlled environment for cardio workouts. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using a treadmill to help you make an informed decision about whether it is the right fitness equipment for you.


  • Convenient and controlled environment for walking, jogging, or running.
  • Versatile speed and incline settings to customize workouts.
  • Promotes cardiovascular health and endurance.
  • Provides options for interval training and various workout programs.
  • Can be used in all weather conditions.


  • Moderate to high impact on joints, requiring proper form and gradual progression.
  • Primarily focuses on lower body muscles.
  • Requires space and may be bulky for smaller living areas.
  • Some models can be expensive.
  • Lack of variety compared to outdoor running or other cardio exercises.

Our Top Picks For Best Treadmills on Amazon


Product Name

Purchase Now

NordicTrack T Series Treadmills

XTERRA Fitness TR Folding Treadmill

ANCHEER Treadmill 3.25HP Motor

Rowing machine vs Treadmill : A Detailed Comparison

Impact on Joints

Rowing Machine: A rowing machine is known for its low-impact nature, which reduces strain on joints and muscles. The fluid motion of rowing minimizes the risk of impact-related injuries, making it suitable for individuals with joint concerns or those looking for a gentle exercise option. 

Treadmill: In comparison, a treadmill entails moderate to high impact, exerting more strain on joints. While this can be beneficial for bone health, individuals with joint issues should exercise caution and ensure proper form and gradual progression to minimize the risk of injury.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Rowing Machine: A rowing machine provides a full-body workout, engaging major muscle groups simultaneously. The pushing and pulling motions involved in rowing promote cardiovascular endurance and improve lung capacity. It is an excellent option for individuals seeking a comprehensive cardiovascular exercise. 

Treadmill: On the other hand, a treadmill primarily focuses on lower body cardio. It targets leg muscles and enhances cardiovascular fitness through walking, jogging, or running. While it may not engage the upper body to the same extent as a rowing machine, treadmills offer versatility in speed and incline settings to customize workouts.

Calorie Burning Potential

Rowing Machine: Rowing is known for its high-calorie burn. A vigorous rowing session can help you burn approximately 600-800 calories per hour, making it an efficient choice for individuals aiming for weight loss. 

Treadmill: Treadmills also contribute to calorie burn, ranging from moderate to high intensity depending on the workout intensity and duration. On average, individuals can burn around 500-700 calories per hour on a treadmill, providing an effective means of calorie expenditure.

Muscle Building and Strength

Rowing Machine: The rowing motion engages muscles across the entire body, promoting overall strength and endurance. The pushing phase targets the legs, while the pulling phase engages the back, arms, and core. This full-body engagement makes the rowing machine an ideal choice for individuals seeking muscle building and toning. 

Treadmill: While a treadmill primarily focuses on lower body muscles, it can contribute to leg strength and endurance. Running or walking on a treadmill engages the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, aiding in muscle toning and development.

Weight Loss

Rowing Machine: The combination of a full-body workout and high-calorie burn makes the rowing machine an effective tool for weight loss. By engaging multiple muscle groups and expending a significant amount of calories, rowing can contribute to achieving weight loss goals. 

Treadmill: Treadmills support weight loss through consistent cardiovascular workouts. By incorporating varying speeds, inclines, and workout durations, individuals can create calorie deficits and promote weight loss when combined with a balanced diet.

Impact on Belly Fat

Rowing Machine: Rowing can aid in reducing belly fat through overall calorie expenditure and toning of core muscles. The continuous engagement of the abdominal muscles during rowing helps strengthen and tone the core, contributing to a reduction in belly fat over time. 

Treadmill: While treadmill workouts primarily target the lower body, they can contribute to overall fat loss, including belly fat, when combined with a calorie-controlled diet and regular exercise routine.

Incline Feature

Rowing Machine: Some rowing machines offer adjustable incline settings, allowing users to increase the resistance and challenge of their workouts. This feature adds variability to rowing sessions, enabling individuals to target different muscle groups and intensify their exercise routine. 

Treadmill: Treadmills often feature adjustable inclines, simulating varied terrains and enhancing workout intensity. By incorporating incline settings, individuals can engage different muscle groups, increase calorie burn, and add variety to their treadmill workouts.


Rowing Machine: Rowing machines are suitable for all fitness levels and provide an opportunity for low-impact workouts. They offer versatility in terms of workout intensity and can be adjusted to accommodate individual preferences and fitness goals.

Treadmill: Treadmills offer versatility through various speed and incline settings, catering to different workout preferences. They can be adjusted to match individual fitness levels and provide options for walking, jogging, or running.

Overall Joint Health: 

Rowing Machine: Rowing promotes joint mobility and strengthens the muscles around joints, enhancing overall joint health. The smooth, fluid motion of rowing minimizes joint stress, making it a favorable choice for individuals concerned about joint health.

Treadmill: Treadmill workouts have a moderate impact on joint health. It is crucial to maintain proper form, gradually increase workout intensity, and listen to the body’s signals to minimize the risk of joint-related issues.

Convenience and Space

Rowing Machine: Rowing machines are often compact and can be easily stored, making them suitable for individuals with limited space. They are a convenient option for home gyms or small apartments. 

Treadmill: Treadmills generally require more space due to their larger footprint. They may be more suitable for individuals with dedicated exercise areas or larger workout spaces.

Similarities between Rowing Machine and Treadmill

Cardiovascular Workout: Both rowing machines and treadmills offer effective cardiovascular workouts that can improve heart health, increase stamina, and burn calories.

Customizable Intensity: Both machines allow users to adjust the intensity of their workouts. Treadmills offer options to increase or decrease speed and incline, while rowing machines provide resistance settings.

Convenience: Rowing machines and treadmills provide the convenience of indoor workouts, allowing users to exercise regardless of weather conditions or time of day.

Differences between Rowing Machine and Treadmill

Muscle Engagement: Rowing machines engage both the upper and lower body muscles, offering a full-body workout. Treadmills primarily focus on lower body muscles, with less emphasis on the upper body.

Impact on Joints: Rowing machines are known for their low-impact nature, reducing strain on joints. Treadmills, on the other hand, can have a moderate to high impact, requiring proper form and gradual progression to minimize joint stress.

Calorie Burn: Rowing machines are highly effective at burning calories due to the engagement of multiple muscle groups. Treadmills also contribute to calorie burn, but rowing machines tend to provide a more intense calorie-burning workout.

Weight-Bearing Exercise: Treadmills offer weight-bearing exercise, which can help improve bone density and strengthen the lower body. Rowing machines, although not weight-bearing, provide resistance that can help build muscle strength.

Variety and Versatility: Treadmills offer more versatility in terms of workout options, including walking, jogging, and running at different speeds and inclines. Rowing machines provide variability through resistance levels but offer less variety in terms of exercise options.

Joint Health: Rowing machines promote joint mobility and strengthen the muscles around joints, enhancing overall joint health. Treadmills, when used with proper form and precautions, can also contribute to joint health but may pose a higher risk of impact-related joint injuries.

Why Buy Rowing Machine

Considering the comparison between a rowing machine and a treadmill, there are several compelling reasons to consider buying a rowing machine. Here’s why you might want to choose a rowing machine based on the previously discussed data:

  • Full-Body Workout: A rowing machine engages muscles throughout your entire body, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. This means you can work on building strength and endurance in both your upper and lower body simultaneously.
  • Low-Impact Exercise: Rowing machines are known for their low-impact nature, which minimizes stress on your joints. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals who want to exercise without putting excessive strain on their joints, especially for those recovering from injuries or with joint-related concerns.
  • Effective Calorie Burn: Rowing machines are highly efficient at burning calories due to their ability to engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This makes them an ideal choice for individuals looking to shed excess weight or improve their overall fitness level.
  • Joint Health Benefits: The rowing motion promotes joint mobility and strengthens the muscles around your joints, contributing to improved joint health over time. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking joint rehabilitation, joint protection, or overall joint well-being.
  • Space Efficiency: Rowing machines are generally more compact compared to treadmills, making them suitable for individuals with limited space in their homes or apartments. They offer the convenience of a full-body workout without requiring a large dedicated workout area.
  • Versatile Workout Options: While rowing machines primarily focus on rowing motions, they still offer a variety of workout options through adjustable resistance levels. This allows you to modify the intensity of your workouts and customize them according to your fitness goals and preferences.

Why Buy Treadmill

Buying a treadmill can be a favorable option for individuals with specific fitness goals and preferences. Here are some reasons why you might choose to buy a treadmill:

  • Versatility: Treadmills offer a wide range of workout options, including walking, jogging, and running at different speeds and inclines. This versatility allows users to customize their workouts and target specific fitness objectives.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits: Like rowing machines, treadmills provide effective cardiovascular workouts that improve heart health, increase stamina, and burn calories. Regular use can contribute to overall cardiovascular fitness.
  • Lower Body Focus: If you are primarily interested in targeting lower body muscles and strengthening your legs, a treadmill’s focus on walking and running motions makes it an ideal choice.
  • Weight-Bearing Exercise: Treadmills offer weight-bearing exercise, which can help improve bone density and provide additional benefits for lower body strength.
  • Familiarity and Comfort: Many people are already familiar with walking or running as forms of exercise, making the transition to a treadmill more comfortable and accessible.
  • Weather and Time Independence: With a treadmill at home, you can exercise regardless of weather conditions or time of day, offering convenience and flexibility in your fitness routine.
  • Tracking Progress: Modern treadmills often come equipped with features like built-in displays, heart rate monitors, and fitness tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor your progress and set fitness goals.
  • Joint Impact Management: While treadmills may have a moderate to high impact, using proper running technique and gradually increasing intensity can help manage joint impact and reduce the risk of injuries.


When it comes to choosing between a rowing machine and a treadmill, there are several factors to consider based on individual preferences, fitness goals, and physical capabilities. Both machines offer unique benefits and cater to different needs.

Rowing machines provide a full-body workout that engages major muscle groups, promotes cardiovascular health, and aids in weight loss. They are low-impact, making them suitable for individuals with joint concerns or those seeking a gentle exercise option. Rowing machines also offer versatility, compactness, and the potential for joint health improvement.

On the other hand, treadmills excel in providing a convenient and controlled environment for walking, jogging, or running. They primarily focus on lower body cardio, making them ideal for individuals looking to target leg muscles and enhance cardiovascular fitness. Treadmills offer customizable speed and incline settings, versatility in workout options, and the ability to simulate outdoor running conditions.

Ultimately, the choice between a rowing machine and a treadmill depends on personal preferences, fitness goals, and available space. Those seeking a full-body workout, low-impact exercise, and the potential for joint health improvement may lean towards a rowing machine. Meanwhile, individuals prioritizing lower body cardio, versatility, and convenience may opt for a treadmill.

By considering your unique needs and preferences, you can choose the ideal fitness equipment that aligns with your goals and supports your journey towards improved cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, rowing machines are known for their low-impact nature. The smooth, fluid motion of rowing minimizes stress on joints, making them a suitable option for individuals with joint concerns or those seeking a gentler exercise option.

While treadmills primarily focus on lower body cardio, they can contribute to leg muscle strength and endurance. However, if your primary goal is muscle gain, a rowing machine, which engages muscles across the entire body, would be a better choice.

In terms of versatility, treadmills offer a wider range of workout options. They allow for walking, jogging, and running at different speeds and inclines, providing variety in workouts. Rowing machines primarily focus on rowing motions, offering variability through adjustable resistance levels.

Rowing machines are generally better for joint health due to their low-impact nature. They promote joint mobility and strengthen the muscles around joints. Treadmills, when used with proper form and precautions, can also support joint health but carry a higher risk of impact-related joint injuries.

Rowing machines are often compact and easily foldable, making them suitable for individuals with limited space. Treadmills, on the other hand, require more space due to their larger footprint.

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